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Discern To Learn

Words have Power.  Beliefs Change the World.  Find out my beliefs.



The Word

Words and Meanings Matter

It's Why I do This!​


So what do I mean:

Words "Word" The Word?

Each of these has unique and important meanings to me - so important to me that I want to share a bit more about who I am. Discern To Learn is about discerning - knowing truth from a lie.

About Now You Should be Wondering

"What is TRUTH to this person that wants to mentor my student?"

Words Matter

"Word" Matters

The Word Matters

I believe in the power of words - that what you say and how you say it can bring life or death - can influence others for good or evil. This is why learning to write and speak effectively makes a difference. Your student needs to be able to use their words to great effect whether orally or in writing.

"Word" has come to mean "True" in our modern world; it is a way to say

"Yes! That is the truth!"

Truth matters. In our world of news media circuses are meant not only to feed the public's appetites but to distract from other events, finding the truth is vitally important.


Learning to question, research, and recognize fallacies is an important life skill, especially in our digital age.

Where do we find Truth? What is truth? How can we know?

I believe that the Bible is the perfect Word of God; it is His message to us. Here is a short list of my core beliefs (you should be wondering this about Every person who has an influence on your student's life and learning!)

Every person is imperfect and in need of rescue.

It doesn't matter how "good" we are God wants a relationship on a personal level with each of us.

We cannot be in a relationship with a Holy God because we have sin in our lives and this creates a barrier

God sent Jesus to break down that barrier and allow us to have a relationship with God

It is only by Faith (trusting Him) and Grace (God's free gift) and not because of anything we have done that we can enter His family

Does this Come Up in Class?

Absolutely! This is who I am and my students normally come from Christian families who want their student to nurture their Christian worldview and my classes are a safe place for believers to talk about their faith, be challenged, and be motivated to know and trust God more.

We separate fundamental and essential Biblical truths (the spine of the gospel) from areas that Christians disagree on. We may discuss these "gray" areas but this is a great opportunity to hear other opinions and the reasons that others believe the way they do. It is an opportunity for grace and love. We can disagree and still be in the same family.

If someone brings up an idea or belief that contradicts the basics of the gospel I will empathically bring it back to scripture and recommend they discuss those questions with parents or a trusted Christian adult.

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